Saturday, August 9, 2008

LNCR Event at a Farm

This turned out to be a scary event for the farm owners. Most of us guests went inside the pasture with the animals. I guess one person opened the gate and went in, so we all followed like sheep of course. When I walked over to the field and saw all the children running around with the animals, I thought “Oh cool! We can go in there with them? Wow… I like this farm!” Well, it turns out nobody should actually go in with the animals. It’s not safe. So just picture this… we have approximately 75 people in this pasture hand feeding dear, petting the donkeys, screaming at goats and running from ostriches, while the moose and buck run around the perimeter as people were trying to get a closer look. I was trying to avoid the land mines everywhere and take pictures when the owner ran in and immediately told us all the evacuate. Oh, she was so glad nobody was hurt by the animals. I guess they can be mean and charge you… YIKES! Thank you God for protecting us!

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